Bar Exam Study Guide: Pass the Cal Bar with the BarCram eBook

Pass the California Bar Exam with BarCram!

The California Bar Exam is a brutal test. You may be feeling stressed, confused, and disorganized. BarCram can help. Our new eBook, BarCram: How To Survive The Last Two Weeks Before You Take (And Pass) The California Bar Exam is now available on Amazon! 

Our system is a simple, proven way to help you pass the Bar. Additionally, because the eBook is part of the Kindle Owners' Lending Library, it's also free to borrow for Amazon Prime Members!

We hope you find the eBook informative and helpful in your quest to pass the California Bar Exam.

Buy the BarCram eBook today! Exclusively on Amazon.


  1. This is very nice post. Keep sharing such information here. Passing the bar exam is not easy but with some efforts you can score well. Last year I also took this exam and prepared for it using the online New York Bar Exam Course. It was just a brilliant course which was designer professionally.
